Zieda Beauty Lounge

Microblading & Lip Blush in Jumeirah

Eyebrow Microblading In Dubai

Our specialists are dedicated to helping you achieve your desired look while ensuring a safe and comfortable experience. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards flawless brows.
Our goal at Zieda's is to provide the most healthy and natural-looking healing results in the permanent makeup sector. You will be kept updated and engaged at every step as a customer to guarantee that you get gorgeous eyebrows that you will love to wake up to each morning.

Natural Look





Use Tools

Before and After Microblading

microblading service
Eyebrow Microblading
Microblading In Dubai
dubai microblading specialist

Frequently Asked Questions

What is microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent eyebrow enhancement technique that involves manually implanting pigment into the skin’s upper layers to create natural-looking, fuller eyebrows.

How long does microblading last?

Microblading lasts from 1 to 3 years, depending on various factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare.

Is microblading painful?

A topical numbing cream is applied before the treatment to ensure your comfort.

How long does the microblading procedure take?

The initial microblading session usually takes about 2 to 3 hours. This includes the consultation, design, and the actual microblading process.

Is there downtime after microblading?

You may experience mild redness and swelling immediately after the procedure, which typically subsides within a few days. It’s important to follow the provided aftercare instructions for optimal healing.

Can I choose the shape and color of my microbladed eyebrows?

Yes, during the consultation, you can discuss your preferences with our specialist. They will help you design a customized brow shape that suits your face and select a pigment color that matches your natural hair color.

What should I avoid after getting microblading?

After the procedure, it’s essential to avoid water contact, intense sweating, sun exposure, and certain skincare products on the treated area during the initial healing phase.

Is a touch-up session necessary?

Yes, a touch-up session is required after four to six weeks to perfect the color and shape of your microbladed eyebrows. It helps ensure the best long-term results.

Lip Blush Dubai

Elevate your lip beauty with lip blush at Zieda Beauty Lounge. Our specialists are dedicated to helping you achieve the perfect lip shade while ensuring a comfortable and safe experience. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and discover the beauty of lip blush.

Natural Look





Use Tools

What Is Lip Blush?

Lip blush is a semi-permanent makeup technique that involves implanting pigment into the lips' upper layers, providing a natural-looking, subtle tint and enhanced definition.

What Is Lip Blush?
Our Lip Blush Specialists:

Our Lip Blush Specialists:

  • Our lip blush specialists are highly trained, certified, and experienced in this precise art.
  • They take the time to understand your unique features and preferences, ensuring the results complement your overall look.

The Process:

  1. Consultation: We begin with a comprehensive consultation to discuss your expectations, concerns, and the desired lip color. We'll ensure you're comfortable with the chosen shade before proceeding.
  2. Design: Using precise measurements and lip mapping techniques, we design a customized lip shape that enhances your natural features. Your input is essential in finalizing the design.
  3. Pigment Selection: Our specialists select pigment colors that suit your skin tone and desired lip shade, ensuring a harmonious and natural look.
  4. Numbing: To ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, we apply a topical numbing cream to the lip area.
  5. Lip Blush: Using specialized tools, we carefully implant pigment into the lips' upper layers, creating a soft and natural blush effect.
The Process:


  • Following the procedure, you'll receive detailed aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing and long-lasting results.
  • Expect mild swelling and redness, which typically subsides within a few days.
  • Avoiding certain activities and lip products during the initial healing phase is essential.


  • Your newly blushed lips will appear more defined and subtly tinted, enhancing your natural beauty.
  • The initial color will appear darker but will gradually fade to the desired shade within a few weeks.
Benefits of Lip Blush:

Benefits of Lip Blush:

  • Enhances lip color and definition.
  • Saves time on daily lip makeup application.
  • Boosts self-confidence with beautifully tinted lips.

Safety and Hygiene:

  • At Zieda Beauty Lounge, we prioritize safety and adhere to strict hygiene protocols throughout the procedure.
  • We use disposable, single-use tools to prevent cross-contamination.
Safety and Hygiene:

Before and After Lip Blush

Before lip blushingAfter lip blushing
Before lip blush dubaiAfter lip blush dubai
Before Lip Blush ServiceAfter Lip Blush Service
lip blushing near melip blushing near

FAQs About Lip Blush

What is lip blush?

Lip blush is a semi-permanent makeup technique that enhances the color and definition of the lips by implanting pigment into the upper layers of the skin.

How long does lip blush last?

Lip blush typically lasts for 1 to 3 years, with the duration depending on factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare.

Is lip blush painful?

Most clients report minimal discomfort during the procedure. A topical numbing cream is applied to ensure your comfort.

How long does the lip blush procedure take?

The initial lip blush session usually takes about 2 to 3 hours, including consultation and the actual procedure.

Is there downtime after lip blush?

You may experience mild swelling and redness initially, which typically subsides within a few days. Following aftercare instructions is crucial for proper healing.

Can I choose the lip color for my lip blush?

Yes, during the consultation, you can discuss your preferred lip color with the specialist to achieve a customized look.

Are touch-up sessions necessary for lip blush?

Yes, a touch-up session is recommended after about four to six weeks to perfect the lip color and ensure the best results.

Can I still wear regular lip makeup after lip blush?

  • Absolutely. Lip blush enhances your natural lip color and definition. You can still apply lipstick or lip gloss as desired for additional color and variation.
  • Please consult with our lip blush specialists for personalized advice and to address any specific concerns you may have about the procedure.

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